
What is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?

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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, or BJJ, is a martial art that originated in Brazil and focuses on grappling and ground fighting. It gained popularity in the early days of the UFC, when Royce Gracie used his BJJ skills to defeat much larger opponents.

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Training in Jiu-Jitsu can provide a number of benefits, both physical and mental. Some of the potential benefits of training Jiu-Jitsu include improved physical fitness, enhanced self-defense skills, stress relief and much more.

What are the benefits of training jiu jitsu?

Training in Jiu-Jitsu can provide a number of benefits, both physical and mental. Some of the potential benefits of training Jiu-Jitsu include improved physical fitness, enhanced self-defense skills, stress relief and much more.

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